Patient Reviews

“I had a wonderful experience using Breathe Hyperbarics in my course for wellness with Vanessa at the Helm ensuring I had an absolutely positive and safe experience every time I went. My back surgeon recommended I give this a try. I have suffered with arthritis, body swelling (especially legs and feet and hands) Fibromyalgia and Spine Pain for well over 15 years and my pain went from a daily 7 to a daily 3 well into my completion of 10 sessions. I was in pretty bad shape mentally and physically when I started treatment. The pain and swelling did return without continuing with the therapy. The treatment does take a commitment of daily time and monetary investment. Compared to other settings and distances, the price was reasonable. It did help me see that this is a real therapy that works and it helped bring hope and mental wellness when I was “down” when I first entered the office. Vanessa, the founder was a bright cheery face when I was there on my wellness journey and I really appreciated her positivity! I hope to continue to receive treatments as often as I need to in the future.”

— Patient Review from Google ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Found this place after my BBL and Lipo post surgery. Helped with inflammation and swelling. Started coming in a day after my surgery and was able to squeeze in another session before my flight back home! Vanessa was super helpful and very informative about the process and made me feel comfortable the whole time. Her and her husband are amazing and helped so much in understanding hyperbarics! Hope many more people are able to find this wonderful couple and experience hyperbaric treatment.”

— Patient Review from Google ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“John and Vanessa are such kind and personable people. They treated me so well and helped me achieve the most out of my hyperbaric sessions. They have exceptional bedside manner and are well informed on what they do.”

— Patient Review from Google ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“I had such an amazing experience at Breathe! John and Vanessa really care about you and your recovery. I have never experienced such kindness and empathy anywhere- Your recovery is their priority and they will be cheering you on a through your treatment- highly recommend“

— Patient Review from Google ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“So thankful for Breathe Hyperbarics!!! if somebody asked me at the beginning of April if I would be going back to work ever. My answer would’ve been highly unlikely. And I was also on track for my third surgery which going to be an Electronic Spinal Stimulator implanted into my spine and back.

Less than a month later when I asked that same question I can say with confidence that I will not be having the spinal stimulator installed. My hope and plan is to be back to work by August 1 and to be back riding my bike soon after getting back to work.

July 2023 I had extensive back surgery. I had a discectomy and laminotomy done on my L3 L4 L5 and S1. The surgery went well but unfortunately during my recovery I ended up with a buildup of fluid in my spine which then caused nerve damage throughout my right leg.
The pain at times can be totally unbearable!

An attempts to try and relieve the pain on my nerves I had another epidural which made my third including the two before my surgeries.
I also had a spinal biopsy done to try and remove the fluid in my spine. After those procedures were unsuccessful I then had a series of six sympathetic nerve blocks. Also unsuccessful.

At that point I had just gave in to the fact that I was going to be in severe pain for the rest of my life because nothing the doctors were doing were helping and the stimulator was just going to relieve a little bit if any of the nerve pain.

After talking with a good friend he suggested that I try hyperbaric oxygen therapy. He had told me the story about himself with a traumatic brain injury and how well Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helped him out and helped him get his life back.

At that point I was willing to try anything. I just wanted the paint to go away!
I set up an appointment at Breathe Hyperbarics just figuring I would give it a try… It couldn’t hurt was my thought process.
Little did I know that in a matter of three sessions I was already feeling the benefits from it. After my third session I sat up out of the chamber and for the first time in over a year my pain was almost gone. Unfortunately when gravity took over throughout the day the pain did come back. Now fast-forward almost a month later and 17 sessions my pain level is totally tolerable and better and better with each session. I have regained the sensation of touch on my leg. I no longer walk with a limp. The nerves in my right thigh would no longer have their own dance party and I can be now be on my feet for longer than a couple of minutes. I can now actually be on my feet for at least a half hour before nerves start getting a little agitated. I have even started doing daily walks around the neighborhood equaling about a mile a day!!! I didn’t think that I would ever be able to do that again.
AGAIN if I was asked a month ago what my prognosis was going to be it was bleak and scary.

I can now thankfully say that my pain is at least 80% better than it was before starting with Breathe Hyperbarics and I will returning to work within a few months and now and most importantly being able to avoid the Electronic Spinal Stimulator implant.
I cannot recommend enough for somebody with nerve damage the benefits of hyperbaric chamber therapy.

I also can’t stress enough if you want it done right and professionally the place to go is Breathe Hyperbarics. Their center is top-notch, their equipment is brand new hospital medical grade hyperbaric chambers.
When you make your first appointment you will then meet two of the most professional and nicest people you will have ever met that run Breathe Hyperbarics Vanessa Garcia and Johnny Sloatman.
I can’t thank them enough for their professionalism and individual care and love that they give to me and each of their patients.

It has been completely life-changing for me. I can’t recommend enough to anybody dealing with nerve damage what a blessing that Breathe Hyperbarics is.“

— Patient Review from Google ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️